

This blog is a way for couples to improve their marriage through improved intimacy, communication, and love. There are links and a search bar on the left to help you navigate the blog easier. Since this blog is about improving marital intimacy all of the post will discuss some aspect of marital intimacy; however, some posts will cover more than one topic. The tabs on the top of the page are there to help you learn more about our intimacy workshop. This workshop can help couples recover from poor marital intimacy caused by an assortment of problems.

Please feel free to leave feedback and enjoy the adventure.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Push & Pull

Though I was never that little girl who planned her wedding, picked out her dress, or dreamt of the guy she would one day marry...I definitely did think that marriage was "the happy ending". 
Little did I know that in reality...it was only the beginning.

Simply put, it was the beginning of real growth.

During courtship you are so enraptured with this idea of forever with 'the one'.
 So much so, that you conveniently overlook those day-to-day traits that you are committing yourself to for forever.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work


My name is Deidre and I blog over at Love, The Skinnys. Let me tell you a little about my husband and I...we are busy people. My husband, Adam, has been in Arizona and Montana living his baseball dream. And while he is there I have been in Utah and Idaho working my dream job and volunteering for Miss Idaho. We aren't in the typcial long distance relationship because we aren't just dating...we are married. But the same rules and feelings apply. Time apart is hard, but it doesn't have to be impossible. Here are some tips from our relationship that has made the time apart easier. We are keeping the spark alive through our long distance dating. And I truly believe our relationship will only be stronger when he comes back.

1. Save Your Conversation. 
Don't text all day, every day. Save your conversation for a nightly phone call. When you spend all day texting each other you will have nothing to say at night. During the day we will text each other questions, funny things that come up, quick snippets or a story that needs to be told while talking, and quick I love yous... but we are careful to share EVERY detail of our day throughout the day. We want to have meaningful conversation at night, not just a phone call because it "should happen". 

Friday, July 19, 2013

What I Learned In My First Year of Marriage

Jen from the blog T & Me just hit her one year anniversary on June 9th and shared some wisdom on her blog of what she has learned from her first year of marriage :)

1. Teamwork
You always need to remember that you and your husband are on the same team. You have the same goals. You want the same things in life. So don't try to be a winner. You are on the same team!

2. Date Nights
This is a very important thing. Even though Tony and I still spend a lot of time together at home, we need to get out and do stuff. We go to the movies (mostly dollar movies), we get dinner, go shopping, sight seeing, long drives, basically anything where we can get out and have a formal date.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Unity & Service in Marriage

Hey everyone! 

My name is Allyson Macy from Keeping Up With the Macys. I have only been married for about 6 months, but I feel that in the short time I’ve had with my husband, I have gained invaluable experience that is worth sharing!
Two of the most life-altering lessons I’ve learned in my marriage are:
1) Unity in decision-making gives us confidence in our identity and future as a married couple 
 2) service toward one another is a powerful healing and strengthening agent.


The first thing my husband and I decided when we got engaged is that it is no longer “my life” and “his life,” but “OUR life.” Since then, we have always tried to make decisions together, with the other’s desires and needs in careful consideration.
An important aspect of unity is teamwork. My husband makes most of the money, but I feel like I am an important member in our marriage when he includes me in financial decisions and genuinely values my opinions. He lets me know that even though I don’t make as much as he does, I contribute in other ways and deserve an equal say in any decision-making process. As we work together to plan our future through financial, spiritual, and other decisions, we design a life that each of us is able to enjoy and look forward to every day.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Get Over That Marriage Plateau

Every marriage experiences it's ups, downs, and plateaus...but that doesn't mean you have to settle for being just "ok" with your relationship. Follow these tips to re-kindle that fire in your relationship!

1. Give Service, Think About One Another
When you are constantly thinking about the well-being of your spouse, you don't have the time to complain or delve into your own issues. Lose yourself in service! When you show that you care for your partner they will reciprocate and take care of you too.

2. Plan Unique Dates
A kick boxing class? Rock climbing? Movie in the park? What is "out of the norm" in your relationship and what is something one of you has been dying to try? Set aside funds and set a date to make it happen! Seeing one another in new situations and locations reignites that spark you have for each other.

3. How Did You Fall For One Another?
Revisiting the time when you two were falling in love with each other will bring back the fuzzy feelings you had for one another! What was it that attracted you to your spouse? What were your favorite experiences during your courtship?

4. Make Out!
Well, duh! Connecting through physical touch is a great way to reignite that attraction and passion for one another. Hand holding, hugs, kissing and more will show that love you have for your partner and reinforces the bond that you two have.

5. Fall in Love Everyday
Discover something new about your spouse that you love and appreciate, then show your appreciation for your partner! Falling in love everyday ensures a marriage that will last a lifetime!

How do you overcome those marital "lulls"? 
Share in the comments!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Relationship Lessons Learned: This Little Blonde

Hey there loves! I'm Brooklyn, and I am the crazy lady behind This Little Blonde.

On May 21, 2013 I got engaged to the man of my dreams. Considering he was my first ever boyfriend, he's been my guinea pig in a lot of ways! So today I want to share 3 things I have learned about healthy relationships from my fiance whom I refer to as Mr. Jolley. (Pretty great name to marry into right?)