

This blog is a way for couples to improve their marriage through improved intimacy, communication, and love. There are links and a search bar on the left to help you navigate the blog easier. Since this blog is about improving marital intimacy all of the post will discuss some aspect of marital intimacy; however, some posts will cover more than one topic. The tabs on the top of the page are there to help you learn more about our intimacy workshop. This workshop can help couples recover from poor marital intimacy caused by an assortment of problems.

Please feel free to leave feedback and enjoy the adventure.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Why It's Important to Communicate With Your Spouse

{Via "4 Steps to Better Communication}

We all know that guys aren't typically the ones to talk about their thoughts and feelings (but despite that stereotype) it is still essential to have an open dialogue in your marriage. Without communication you aren't friends, lovers, or spouses...you are just roommates! Communication helps to create a forum in which you are safe to talk about your fears, dreams, and frustrations with one another.
So, why exactly is it important to communicate with your spouse?

1. It Brings Emotional Intimacy
With emotional intimacy you feel secure, loved, needed, and understood by your spouse. With emotional intimacy comes physical intimacy, which will help to reinforce the love and commitment you have with your partner. This circular pattern of emotional and physical intimacy is what keeps the flame in your relationship still strong and bright!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Date Your Spouse

 Set aside time for you and your spouse to go out and experience something new together. I know it's easier to grab a Redbox movie and heat up some pizza {I'm guilty of that from time to time}, but your relationship will benefit so much more from dating your spouse! You are able to see your spouse in a different situations which will help reignite your passion for one another!
 Need a date idea?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Relieve Stress As a Couple

With all of the technology available to us today it seems to keep us more connected than ever. That could be considered a good and a bad thing. The good part being that we can catch up with family or friends whenever we'd like, the bad being that we miss out of the simple joys in life because we are so caught up in our phones. What can also come with being so technologically connected is that we are far more stressed than we ever were before. Constantly checking our to-do lists, responding to emails, and keeping up on our social media accounts. It's exhausting! Here are some different ways you can relieve stress and start to reconnect with your spouse sans technology: