Can you
remember what it felt like when you first fell in love? Do you remember the
passion, excitement, and desire that you had for each other? Do you still have
the fire that you once had? Do you wish that you could have it again?
The Journey to Intimacy workshop can help you achieve this desire again.
This workshop is based on research that has help many couples repair and
improve their intimate relationships with each other. This workshop has four
different levels, each of which will allow you to explore deeper into the
forest of intimacy together.
This workshop has been developed for married couple of any age and stage.
It will allow you to overcome many intimacy problems together as long as you
work as a team and commit to each other fully.
Below you will find a description and overview of this workshop along
with the media download and question pass. We encourage you to explore this
workshop and have fun.
Many times we as couples find
ourselves lost in the world around us. We forget about the important things in
life and we forget to stop and smell the roses. While this can be said for our
everyday life, it is also true for our intimate lives together. Many times
couples get so into the habit of things that they forget what it means to take
their time and enjoy the moment. Today I would like to invite you and your
spouse to take a walk into the forest. This forest is not one that you find
outside, but one that is located within us. Today I would like you to start
making your journey into the forest if intimacy.
This activity will take you and your spouse about an
hour to complete. All that you will need for this journey is the provided MP3
download, your completed question cards, and 5 articles of clothing each.
To start, you and your
spouse will listen to the guided expedition into the forest of emotional and
physical intimacy. This expedition will help both of you find “fuel” to build a
brighter fire of love and desire. The “fuel” will be uncovered as you participate
in a variety of intimate emotional and physical activities.
The main objectives of
this journey are:
- Bring back the loving feeling
that you once had together.
- Find “fuel” in the forest of
physical and emotional intimacy that will help you have a healthier,
happier and more loving marriage and life.
- To have fun with your spouse!!!
As this activity is to help improve your intimate relationship with your
spouse there are a few requirements that must be met before you should start
your journey into the forest.
- You need to be married. This activity was created to help strengthen marriages and should only be done by those who are married. It would be very unwise and unhealthy to do this activity as an engaged couple.
- Both you and your spouse must be willing participants in this activity. If one of you is not completely willing to participate in this activity, please do not force them to, as doing so may hurt your intimate relationship more.
- Be committed to your spouse. This activity requires you to explore the very intimate self of you and your spouse. This means that you need to commit yourself to your spouse and nothing else. In other words, no porn, masturbation, or erotica.
- Be honest and enjoy each other. The goal of this journey is to allow you and your spouse the chance to learn more about each other. Please be honest with yourselves and each other as you make this journey together. Enjoy each other’s company. There should be no reason to argue or dispute. Make a promise before you start this journey to stay positive, respectful, and loving during the journey. Promise yourself and each other that you will not fight.
Below are the resources
that you will need to complete this activity.
To Start
To start this activity
please make sure that you have completed the question cards separately. After
both spouses have finished answering the questions they should find a
comfortable private place to sit and listen to the First Level of Intimacy
Journey download. You will find all of the directions for this activity on the
download. Have fun.
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